When it comes to volleyball, the position of a libero can be confusing for beginners. One of the questions that often arises is whether a libero can spike the ball.

This has been a highly debated issue, with some arguing that a libero can spike while others believe that this position is not allowed to do so.

In this blog post, we will explore this topic in-depth and uncover the truth about whether a libero can legally spike in volleyball.

Table of Contents

Can a Libero Spike in Volleyball?

The answer to this question is a simple no. According to the FIVB (Fédération Internationale de Volleyball), a libero is not allowed to spike the ball when the ball is entirely above the height of the net.

A spike is considered to be an offensive move, and the libero is not allowed to take part in any offensive action, including blocking and attacking. Therefore, a libero cannot spike the ball when the ball is entirely above the height of the net.

Can a Libero Jump and Hit the Ball?

A libero can jump and hit the ball, but they cannot spike the ball. A jump hit is allowed as long as the ball is not entirely above the height of the net. A libero can jump and hit the ball in defense, but they cannot spike it.

A libero can complete a defensive action, such as a dig or set if the ball is below the height of the net. Furthermore, a libero can jump and hit the ball in an attempt to keep it in play. This type of defensive action is referred to as a pass.

A pass is any defensive action that keeps the ball in play, including a dig, set or jump hit.

Can a Libero Spike from the Back Row?

As mentioned earlier, a libero is not allowed to spike the ball, whether it is from the front or back row. Therefore, a libero cannot spike the ball from the back row or any other position on the court when the ball is entirely above the height of the net.

A libero can jump and hit the ball from the back row as long as it is below the height of the net. It is not considered a spike since it is done in defense. A libero can also set or dig the ball from the back row.

Can a Libero Set for a Spiker?

Yes, a libero can set for a spiker. In fact, that is one of the key roles of a libero. A libero is allowed to set the ball from anywhere on the court as long as they are not in the front row.

A libero can set for a spiker in the back row, or they can pass the ball to the setter for the front-row spiker to hit.

If the libero is in front of the attack line, she/he can set the ball, but the attacker cannot hit the ball when the ball is completely above the height of the net.

Can Libero Overhand Set from the Back Row?

Yes, a libero can overhand set from the back row. The FIVB rules state that a libero can set the ball from anywhere on the court using an overhand finger action.

This means that they can use their fingers to overhand set the ball from the back row. This includes a libero setting for an attacker or another player in the back row.

Can a Libero Set in the Front Row?

Yes, but with certain limitations. The libero can set the ball from the front row, but the attacker cannot hit the ball when the ball is completely above the net.

This means that the libero can set the ball for an attacker in the front row, but the attacker cannot hit the ball if it is completely above the height of the net.

Additionally, a libero cannot block or participate in any offensive actions, including spiking, when the ball is completely above the net.


To sum it up, a libero cannot spike the ball, whether from the front or back row. They can jump and hit the ball, but they cannot spike, block, or attack the ball in any way.

However, they can set the ball, both overhand and underhand, from anywhere on the court except for when they are in the front row, and the setting results in the attacker hitting the ball when the ball is entirely over the net.

Knowing these rules is essential not just for liberos but for all volleyball players. It helps to ensure that all players understand their roles and responsibilities and prevent any confusion or disputes during play.

We hope this blog post has provided clarity on the matter and helped to answer any doubts you may have had. Thank you for reading!

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