If you are new to volleyball, you may be wondering if you can kick the ball in volleyball. After all, soccer players use their feet all the time, so why not in volleyball?

In this blog post, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about kicking the ball in volleyball and provide clarity on when it is permitted and when it is not.

Can you kick the ball in volleyball?

Yes, you can kick the ball in volleyball, but only under certain circumstances. According to the official rules, any part of the body can be used to hit the ball as long as it does not come to rest on the player's body.

That means you can use your feet, legs, knees, and even your head to play the ball. However, kicking the ball is not a typical move you'll see in volleyball, and it's not recommended as a primary form of contact with the ball.

How many times can you kick the ball in volleyball?

There is no rule limiting the number of times you can kick the ball in volleyball. However, keep in mind that the rules of volleyball state that a ball can be touched up to three times on one side of the net before it must be sent over to the opposing team.

This means that if a player kicks the ball it would count as one of the three touches. Additionally, if you kick the ball too often, your opponent may start to anticipate your moves and take advantage of your play.

Can you do a kick serve in volleyball?

While you can technically serve the ball with your foot, it's not a good idea. The rules of volleyball state that the server must use their hand or arm to deliver the ball over the net. A kick serve, where a player purposely kicks the ball to make a serve, is not allowed.

When should you kick the ball in volleyball?

Kicking the ball is generally not recommended in volleyball as it can be difficult to keep the ball on target. However, in a few emergency cases, it may be appropriate to kick the ball if there's no other option.

For example, if you are close to falling out of bounds and need to keep the play alive, or if you need to quickly move the ball out of the way in order to get a set or spike. In these cases, using your foot to keep control over the ball can be an effective and legal technique.

Kicking the ball can be a useful last resort if the ball is too low to reach or if it's too close to the net, but in most cases, it's better to use your hands.

Best Volleyball Foot Saves | Power Volleyball

When should you not kick the ball in volleyball?

As mentioned earlier, kicking the ball is not a recommended primary form of contact in volleyball.

There are specific situations in the volleyball match where it is best to use your hands, such as setting the ball for your teammate to spike, receiving the serve, or passing the ball to another teammate.

In these cases, it is best to use your hands rather than your feet. Kicking can be unpredictable and can cause the ball to go off-target or out of bounds.

Can you kick the ball in beach volleyball?

Yes, you can kick the ball in beach volleyball, as the rules of beach volleyball are essentially the same as those for indoor volleyball.

You can use any part of your body to hit the ball, but it's important to remember that only three contacts are allowed before the ball must be sent over to the other side of the net.

Additionally, a kick serve is still not allowed in beach volleyball so make sure to use your hand or arm when serving the ball.

However, as with indoor volleyball, kicking the ball should not be your primary form of contact with the ball.

Should you practice kicking the ball in volleyball?

Kicking the ball in volleyball should not be your primary form of contact with the ball. If you want to practice kicking, it's best to wait until a match or scrimmage situation presents itself and then use your foot as a last resort.

It is possible to practice certain techniques that involve using your feet such as digging the ball, but keep in mind that these techniques should only be used when necessary.

Therefore, it’s best not to focus too much on practicing kicking the ball in volleyball and instead work on developing your hand-eye coordination and other skills that will help you become a better volleyball player.  Kicking the ball should be used sparingly, as it can be unpredictable and difficult to control.

Instead, focus your practice on mastering the basics such as passing, setting, spiking, and serving with your hands.

By focusing on these fundamental skills, you can become a more well-rounded and successful volleyball player. Practicing kicking the ball can be helpful in certain situations, but it shouldn't be your primary focus when playing volleyball.


In conclusion, kicking the ball in volleyball is allowed, but it's not recommended as a primary means of contact with the ball. Players can use their feet, legs, and knees to hit the ball, but using your hands is still the standard technique in the volleyball game.

Kicking can be useful in certain situations, such as to reach a low-lying ball or if the ball is too close to the net; however, it is best to use your hands when setting the ball for a teammate to spike or receive and pass the ball.

So, if you're just starting in volleyball, it's best to focus on mastering your ball-handling skills with your hands before attempting to use your feet. Keep these rules in mind as you learn more about the sport and become a better player!

Remember, practice makes perfect, so grab a partner and a ball, and start practicing your skills!

If you're looking for the best volleyball equipment, check out our top picks! No need to scour the internet, we've done all the research for you.

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