Volleyball is an exciting sport that brings together players of all ages and backgrounds. When it comes to using your head, many people wonder if it's allowed in volleyball.

Some people believe that using your head in volleyball is not legal or recommended. But is that really true? In this blog post, we'll dispel some common myths about using your head in volleyball and explore the possible advantages of this technique.

Can you play volleyball with your head?

Yes, you can play volleyball with your head. In fact, using your head can enhance your game if done correctly. But it is important to note that your head is not one of the main body parts you should use to hit the ball.

The most common way players use their head is to bump the ball, also known as a "header." This technique is usually used as a last resort when the ball is too high or out of reach. Using your head can help you save the ball, and keep it in play.

Yes, it is legal to use your foot or head in volleyball. According to the official FIVB volleyball rules, during the course of play, players are allowed to touch the ball with any part of the body, including the head, provided it is done within three touches.

However, it's not recommended to use your head as it's not the most controlled part of the body, and it doesn't give you much accuracy in where you direct the ball.

Can you use your head in beach volleyball?

Yes, you can use your head in beach volleyball. The rules for playing beach volleyball are similar to indoor volleyball. A player can use any part of their body to hit the ball, provided that they do not hold, catch, or throw the ball.

The same rule applies to using your head. It is legal, but it's not recommended because it takes away control and accuracy.

How many times we can use the head in volleyball?

There is no limit to the number of times you can use your head in volleyball. However, it is not considered a good technique to use your head frequently in volleyball as it can be unpredictable and difficult to control.

Players should use their arms, hands, and feet for the majority of their volleyball playing techniques and only resort to using their heads as a last resort and only when necessary.

Using your head in volleyball is not recommended as the primary way to play the ball. It's best to use your hands to pass the ball, or your legs to kick it.

Using your head can be unpredictable and hitting the ball with your head can result in a weaker hit because your head is not as strong as your arms. This can result in a missed or poorly hit ball, making it more difficult for your team to continue the rally.

However, if a ball is out of reach, using your head can help you save the ball and keep it in play. It's important to note that this technique should be used sparingly and with caution.

Are there any advantages to using your head in volleyball?

Yes, there are some advantages to using your head in volleyball. Using your head can help you save the ball, and keep it in play.

It can also give you an advantage over your opponents if they are not expecting the ball to come from your head. However, using your head should only be done when necessary or as a last resort.

In general, using the head in volleyball has negligible advantages. The only time it may come in handy is when a player makes an unexpected move, and the ball comes towards their head, and they can't move their hands quickly enough.

In such a scenario, using your head may save you from conceding a point, but it's not a move you want to make frequently.


In conclusion, using your head in volleyball is legal and can enhance your game if done correctly. However, it's not recommended as the primary way to play the ball. It’s important to hit the ball with proper technique, such as using your arms and hands, to ensure a strong hit.

Using your head should be reserved for situations when the ball is out of reach and cannot be played with any other body part.

As a beginner, it’s essential to practice proper technique and avoid using your head as a means of hitting the ball unless necessary. With practice and proper technique, you’ll become a skilled volleyball player in no time!

If you're looking for the best volleyball equipment, check out our top picks! We've carefully selected the best-performing products on the market to ensure you can confidently shop for the finest gear and dominate on the court.

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